Even a short and highly compressed movie makesĪ large file, so don't send long movies through email unless absolutely necessary.
iMovie will compress the movie to 10 frames per second (digital video is usuallyģ0 frames per second) and 160 x 120 pixels with monaural sound (not stereo). Send a small movie to someone through email. A separate sheet for eachĬategory provides its options and settings, including a description of the file that will be exported. iMovie is able to export a movie in a variety of formats, depending on its final intended use. To share your movie with others, you need to export the movie in a format that can be shared. Them around on a Zip disk or even on a CD. Since iMovies are usually large, from several gigabytes on up, you can't pass Place you can then show it is on your computer. Once you've finished creating your movie, you can store it on your hard drive, but that uses a lot of disk space and the only Learn More Buy More Ways to Share a Movie Robin Williams Cool Mac Apps, Second Edition: A guide to iLife 05.